Terex AC 700 - Sarens

Sarens from Dordrecht (NL) used this Terex AC 700 to load parts for a wind turbine.

The day before is the crane put up on the quay in Oude Zeug (NL), near to Wieringerwerf.

The next day arrived the pontoon with parts. These parts are for a XEMC Darwind XD115 wind turbine.

The crane is fitted with 120 tonnes of counterweight. The outrigger dimensions are 12.4 x 12.2 meters.

The first part is the first tower section, with a mass of 130 tonnes.

The boom is here 30.5 meters extended, the max. length is 60 meters.

The tower is loaded on the combination of E. Lafeber.

Then the 47 tonne nacelle.

The most heaviest part is the 137 tonne generator. This part is mounted between the nacelle and the rotor, a big dynamo.

The next day there was another ship, with the rest of the tower.

The second crane is a new Terex AC 500-2 of Sarens.

Loaded on the 4 bed 6 lowloader of E. Lafeber.

The boom is here 40.5 meters extended.

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