A Mercedes-Benz Actros 3351 of Westdijk from Alphen a/d Rijn (NL) parked along the german Autobahn A61 with an oversized load.
Pulled is a 5 axle Broshuis semi low loader.
The Actros 3351 is powered by a Mercedes-Benz OM 542 LA, a 15.9 liter V8 diesel engine, that supplies here 510 hp. The truck itself weights 9.6 tonnes and is allowed for a maximum weight of 28 tonnes.
Between the first two axles are the muffler and a storage compartment made.
The trailer is a Broshuis 5AOU-16-40, a 5 axle semi loader weight a netto capacity of around 61 tonnes.
The trailer is 2.75 meters wide and 6.5 meters extendable.
Behind the cabin is a nice equipment tower made with at the bottom a large diesel tank and above some storage compartments. Between the first two axles are the hydraulic oil tank, a storage compartment and the AdBlue tank made.
A very sharp combination!