Changjiang LT1025

This Changjiang LT1025 from an unknown company from Singapore (SG) stood there on a large parking. It is a 25-tonne crane mounted on a 3-axle carrier with year of manufacture 2007.

In transit is the crane 12.75 meters long, 2.5 meters wide and 3.5 meters tall. The total mass is about 29 tonnes.

The crane is powered by a Wechai WD615.50, a 9.7-liter 6-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 206 kW. Both rear axles are powered, the front axle is steerable.

The 4-part main boom has a 10.6 meter base length and extends three times to a maximum length of 32.3 meters. The main boom can be extended by a 9 meter jib.

The outriggers extend to a width of 6 meters. In front of the rear axles is the large hydraulic oil tank mounted.

An interesting crane from China!

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